BDE e.V. - Campaign "Focus: Battery" Dangers of incorrectly disposed lithium-ion batteries

The campaign initiated by the Bund der deutschen Entsorger e.V. (BDE) to raise awareness of the dangers of incorrectly disposed lithium-ion batteries has met with a great response following its successful launch.
"They can be found in smartphones and notebooks, in cordless screwdrivers and digital cameras, in e-bikes and electric cars - lithium-ion batteries and rechargeable batteries have become an integral part of everyday life. They are powerful and provide the necessary energy for modern everyday life. However, the service life of these small power packs is limited. When it is time to dispose of them, caution is required, as lithium-ion batteries can then show their flammable side. The material damage caused by incorrectly disposed batteries and accumulators is already serious and potentially life-threatening for employees in the waste disposal industry.
Hardly a week goes by without a fire being caused somewhere in Germany by the short-circuiting of an improperly treated battery in disposal vehicles, waste bins or sorting facilities.
The "Brennpunkt: Batterie" campaign is an initiative of the members of the BDE, which aims to inform people about the consequences of incorrect battery disposal and to encourage the correct handling of lithium-ion batteries."
You can find out more at or directly from the BDE by e-mail or in the social media under the hashtag #BrennpunktBatterien.
We, Dr. Ing. Wandrei GmbH, as a member of the BDE e.V., congratulate you on this media campaign and wish you continued success.