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MDispo update with billing module

Following the update to MDispo 3.2.4, which was requested by many customers, it is now possible to extend MONA LOGA with a module for the system's own accounting.

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Climate-friendly wastewater management

The heat brings the flood - why and how wastewater and waste should be separated.

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UPDATE: MDispo 3.1

MDispo is constantly being further developed with views, filters and functions to individualise and improve the user experience.

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We are part of the digital future of the water industry

Dr. Ing. Wandrei GmbH is a member of the DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste

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Rethinking required!

Disposable items made from renewable raw materials? Biodegradable plastics or reusable solutions? What works for consumers and disposal companies...

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OZG to go - utilising established solutions for public administration

The OZG was intended to simplify everything for citizens and authorities. However, many local authorities felt relatively alone when it came to implementation. Best practice solutions can offer rapid implementation with high quality.

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