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Science and the circular economy close the gaps

There is a great shortage of renewable raw materials and an even greater shortage of fossil fuels. Rising demand and crises make the different distribution of crude oil and natural gas particularly precarious.

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Digitalisation in the fight against driver shortage

Empty shelves, full waste bins and problems on public transport: it's not just the pandemic, Brexit and conflicts that are to blame - there is a shortage of drivers. Currently already 60 - 80 thousand in Germany, and rising ...

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How can you save with digital container management?

Identification, scheduling and monitoring of your containers helps you to plan optimally and cost-consciously. We explain how to achieve lower throughput times and shrinkage quantities.

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Paperless document management for the waste disposal industry

We are working tirelessly to advance the digitalisation of the circular economy...

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Use 2FA Fido2 token with MONA LOGA

MONA LOGA with 2FA authentication

Fido2 token login possible in MONA LOGA. Fido2 is a current authentication method that can be used to register or log in to web services without having to remember a password.

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New MDispo Feature Release Version 2.9

The new MDispo Feature Release Version 2.9 of MDispo was released at the end of July and comes with a brand new function module: the graphical district planning for waste management companies and local authorities.

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